Hull Exterior
- General Appearance
- Topsides
- Hull Below the Waterline
- Evidence grounding damage
- Evidence of past repairs
- Fibreglass delamination
- Hammer testing of hull
- Moisture Readings
- Keel fastenings
- Rudder & Steering
- Through-Hull Fittings, Valves and Seacocks
- Anodes
Hull Internal Structure
- General Appearance
- Stiffeners
- Internal Moulding
- Bulkheads
- Engine Beds
- Keel Bolts / Studs
Deck and External Fittings
- Hull / Deck Join
- Deck Moulding, Cockpit
- Chain Locker & Bulkhead
- Hatches, Ports, Windows and Ventilation
- Deck Fittings and Equipment
- Grab Rails, Guard Rails
- Boarding Ladder, Davits, Radar Arch
Rigging and Sails
- Mast, Boom, Whisker Pole, Spinnaker Pole, Kicking Strap
- Bowsprit
- Shroud Chain Plates, Forestay & Backstay Chain Plates
- Jib Furling Mechanism
- Winches, Jammers, Travelers, Cars
- Engine & Transmission – Engines inspected visually. Comment made on general condition, corrosion, indications of leaks. Condition of hoses, hose clamps and belts. Coolant and oil levels checked. Sterndrives inspected visually for corrosion and leaks. Oil assessed for ingress of water. Condition of propellers. Bushing checked for free play. Rubber seals visually assessed.
- NOTE: Oil samples from engines, gearboxes and generators can be taken for analysis on request.
Systems and Services
- Anchor and Chain
- Anchor Windlass
- Fresh Water System
- Grey Water System
- Heads
- LPG Installation – LPG systems examined visually only. All work on gas systems must be carried out by competent personnel. All testing of LPG systems must be carried out by accredited gas engineers.
- Galley
- Electrical System
- Navigation Equipment
- Radio Communications